Wednesday, September 2, 2009


As some of you may know, my dog Daisy recently gave birth to 3 beautiful maltese puppies:

Puppy #1
aka Alexa (Lexi)
previously known as Alice
Birth weight: 7.5 oz

Puppy #2
Needs a name
Birth weight: 7 oz

Puppy #3
aka Max
Birth weight: 6.5 oz

I know what you're saying right now. "They look like rats" or "they're so ugly" but just wait until they open their beautiful little eyes, grow hair and become rambunctious. You won't be able to resist them. I promise. ;)

As of right now, Lexi is still the biggest of the 3. Max is still the smallest and has come to be the house favorite. Now, I know I'm not supposed to get attached as we are selling them when they become of age and it's bad news bears to choose favorites... but I can't resist little Max. The moment you pick him up, he just relaxes and lets you carry him around the house. He doesn't squirm or wiggle like the other 2 and, come on, he's completely precious.

Daisy is being such a good mom. At first I think she had too much mothers instinct. Anytime a baby would let out the littlest noise, she would freak out. She would run to them and start kissing them or try to nurse them. Which, I guess isn't a bad thing until she started undermining herself. For the first 2 days or so, the babies got little sleep because any time they would start to drift off, Daisy would come over and nudge/lick them until they woke up. Then they would cry. Then she would freak out and try to comfort them. It was kind of a cycle...

She's a lot better now, though. She has realized that not ever peep needs to be attended to. In fact, a few nights, she's let them peep and whine for minutes before she even bothers to go see what's wrong.

I imagine puppies have specific cries just like babies do. You know, one for hunger, one for attention, that sort of thing. I can't tell the difference but I figure Daisy must know them because sometimes she rushes over and other times she's just like "whatev."

I'm thinking of making a video with them soon. I just wanted to wait until they open their eyes and look a bit more attractive. Although, who is going to bash a puppy that fits in the palm of your hand.

On another note...

Yesterday, I got an email from YouTube and I guess my kickball video has been added to the Youtube Partnership Program. I'm waiting to hear back from them on partnering my entire account. I'm not going to lie, I'm really anxious. It'd be kind of a bummer if they only want my one video... but I guess if they don't want my whole account anything is better than nothing.

 So, if you have nothing better to do, check out my video?

Well, I have to go get ready for school. I'll try to be good about twitter, blogs and videos.
I just connected Blogger to my phone so aside from these massive posts, you might be in for a few little updates now and then.

P.S. Puppy #2 needs a name. She's a girl. Suggestions?

Maltese Puppies
Blogger on my phone
Midnight Sun Draft
House to myself

Piano class