Thursday, November 19, 2009


I'm not going to lie, I've kind of forgotten this thing existed. As you can see, I've neglected it quite a bit. Ever since I've changed my career path I've been extremely stressed with schedules and figuring out which classes I need to be taking and which ones I took for no reason.

Basically, I've gone from major to major over the last 3 years and I think I've finally decided on one. (Like I haven't said that before. Ha!) I've gone from veterinary to graphic design to pharmacy to nursing to premed back to nursing and now I'm thinking it could be fun becoming an ultrasound technician. I've always wanted to work with kids and as an ultrasound technician I can get a job working at a children's hospital or an OB/GYN clinic and watch the babies develop before they are born. So, I've aimed my new class schedule for that and I should be done with my prerequisites in a semester and a half.

I'm so glad I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. it's been so exhausting going from semester to semester and taking classes only to find out they aren't needed. It's completely frustrating. Thank God the end is near.

Aside from school and work, I've been dedicating the majority of my time to the puppies. We were supposed to sell them all in order to pay back the breeder for our first dog, Daisy but everyone knows that nothing ever goes as planned. The mommy dog fell in love with the oldest and my mom couldn't bear to tear them apart so we called the breeder and asked if there was any way we could keep her, she said yes. We were so excited to be able to keep one but were still sad that the weeks were becoming short and soon the other two would be gone.

Over the next couple weeks I became super attached to the second oldest, a little girl. She had already been sold and the day she was leaving was coming up fast... but so was my birthday. Low and behold on my birthday my parents surprised me by telling me that they bought another puppy for the couple who bought her from us and she is now ours.

Puppy count: 2

So, we were keeping two of the puppies and the last one, a little boy sold to a couple up North but once again, things didn't go as planned. This time my dad fell in love with the last remaining puppy. He called the breeder and asked, once again, if there was any way we could keep him. She did some rearranging and yup, that's right, we are keeping him.

Puppy count: 3

So, the puppies are now almost 14 weeks old. We've named them (in order from oldest to youngest) Riley, Penny and Max. They are running around and are as rambunctious as possible. On Saturday they are getting the last of their shots and we are going to be able to take them out in public for the first time. I'm not sure how they're going to react but I'm sure it's something like this:

Riley- OMG OMG OMG This is so much fun!! OMG So much space!!! WEEEEE!!! *run run run run run*
Penny- What's this tall green stuff? It's so much fun to roll in! OMG!! Wet stuff! *rolls in mud* I love the outside world!!!
Max- I DON'T WANT TO GO! NOOO!! Hey, this isn't so bad... I think I'll stay close though...

Maybe if I'm not lame I will update you when the day comes to let you know what actually happened.

As for puppy videos, I fail at life and haven't been recording them much if at all. I kind of stopped the daily recordings at about 5 or 6 weeks. :(

I do have a couple pictures on my phone, though and once I figure out how to get them off I'll post them if I'm not to lazy.

Sorry it's been ages!